Workplace Health, Safety Management System

At Mead Con, we believe there is nothing more important than the health and safety of our workers and of those they work with. We are committed to maintaining a safe workplace and to continually improve work health and safety [WHS] systems, by working to relevant Australian Legislation and Standards, and by identifying, and as far as reasonably practicable, eliminating or reducing the risks to the health, safety and wellbeing of workers [employees, contractors and visitors] affected by workplace hazards.

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Our workers are trained in site safety practices, procedures and industry inductions, including a comprehensive Mead Con Company Induction. A significant number of our workers also maintain High Risk Work licences, and a further 4 workers [2 Project Managers, the Systems Coordinator, and a Tradesperson] have recently completed their Certificate IV in WHS. We believe in practicing preventative safety practices where possible, and regularly conduct toolbox talks, vehicle checks, machinery testing and tagging, and safety audits across all sites.

All projects undertaken by Mead Con are analysed using our QMS and Project Management system prior to the start of works. During the creation of the Project Management Plan, WHS and environmental hazards and risks specific to the project are identified [i.e., site-specific considerations; high-risk activities; dust and asbestos controls] and managed through our WHS Management System process [provided at the end of the WHS section].

At Mead Con, we utilise HammerTech, a cloud-based software platform that was designed specifically for use by the construction industry to integrate site safety management, quality and daily processes into a centralised system. The use of HammerTech, along with our internal procedures, allows us to consolidate multiple work processes, improve productivity, monitor and practice best industry standards while also looking for continual safety improvement opportunities. The software has also reduced time-consuming tasks such as site inductions, minuting daily meetings, audits, and sub-contractor management.

Mead Con and its workers are dedicated to complying with WHS legislation and standards across all its sites, and this includes the internal wellbeing of workers. We are committed to providing a working environment that is free of harassment or discrimination because of gender, age, race, religion, national original, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, marital status, or any other characteristic protected by law. We do not tolerate any forms of discrimination or harassment and are committed to investigating every claim or complaint promptly, equitably and with appropriate outcomes.

All site workers have undertaken WWVP checks, which are maintained on Mead Con’s WWVP Register. WWVP cards are carried onsite at all times as per legislated requirement.