Our Vision

Seven Critical Focus Areas that concisely show where our focus lies. Designed to focus and motivate our employees, guide their actions and inform their decisions, they are our collective vision for sustainability into the future.

Industry Best Practice

We add value to the business in everything we do and strive to achieve best practice through continuous improvement of our processes. Our employees are highly skilled in their areas of expertise – we are justifiably proud of them. A testament to this is our track record of consistently winning awards, including the coveted MBT Workmanship Award - twice, as well as the MBA National Business Award.

Building Our Image

Maintaining a positive external and internal public image is viewed as vital to conducting our business practices.

We recognize our responsibilities to our customers and work with them to develop positive solutions and can be relied upon to demonstrate integrity, keep our word and to build strong working relationships with all our stakeholders.

Working Together

Our point of difference, our distinct advantage - are our people – they are the lynchpins around which our success is gained. We work toward our people gaining a strong sense of belonging to a highly productive and proud team.

To that end, we continually cultivate a team-oriented and consultative culture and respect and work with each other for a common and collective purpose, encouraging all employees, sub-contractors, clients and visitors to contribute toward all facets of our processes and methods.

Working Safely

At Mead Con, we take responsibility for our safety, health and environment as well as encouraging our employees to maintain a healthy work-life balance.

We believe that a well-educated workforce operating under uniform processes produces an efficient and safe work place.

Maintain Internal Wellbeing

Our people inspire, motivate and support others in the achievement of company goals, expectations and personal objectives.

Family comes first at Mead Con - clearly demonstrated to our employees throughout our day-to-day operations.

Continually Evolving

Our services are diverse and we are determined to continue to be progressive and continually improve in all facets of our business - to set challenging goals and to employ appropriate strategies to achieve them.

The world around us is continually evolving. We are committed to the growing need for Green Living construction and our client’s desire for Energy Efficiency – a focal point for our company.

Developing Our People and Systems

In everything we do, we are committed to a high level of functionality throughout every aspect of our work and continually develop new and current skills for the benefit of individuals and the business.